Kids-Friendly Swimming Pool Features Ideal For Your Family Pool


You can make your family pool more fun for your kids by adding some custom-made pool features.  Make sure that your children understand the features and how to use them properly so as to avoid unnecessary accidents. Below are great examples of ideas you can borrow to customize your pool to make it super fun for kids. Heated Pool A heated pool is a great idea for you to prolong the swimming season for kids.

29 April 2016

A Basic Pool Care Checklist for New Pool Owners


If you're a new pool owner, you may be overwhelmed by all the basic equipment and parts that go into keeping the pool safe and ready for a swim. A pool is connected to a pump which pushes water through a filter and a chlorinator and back again. While the pool does this on its own and is very self-maintaining, you will still need a list of pool equipment that will keep it clean and keep your swimmers safe.

27 October 2015